Westnile has rappers but has NO hip-hop artists: G Dot denounced westnile hip-hopers


Adiga Brian alias 𝐆 𝐝𝐨𝐭 is a multi talented poetic rapper and hip-hoper from Madi okollo district known for doing roots hip-hop with his grooving hip-hop pieces like forever, forgive me and many more others.

The president and founder of madflo Entertainment Crew argumentatively got off the back as he disagreed that westnile has got hip-hop artists.

Argumentive G Dot photo courtesy

Battle of wills 

𝐆 𝐝𝐨𝐭 argued the toss in the recent Facebook post of him and called the westnile hip-hopers fake rappers but not the real hip hop artists.

β€œWestnile has got many rappers but no hip-hopers, they rap on dancehall beats thinking they are doing hip-hop, likes of rapper blutit, LP shaddy and lmb ragz  from hip-hop have all converted to doing dancehall music”

𝐆 𝐝𝐨𝐭 who is currently working on a new audio called "gasiya" siad he is the only artist in westnile doing the real hip-hop music the rest are just rappers.

His new song (gasiya) is a gun talk song which is meant to dish westnile's fake rappers.

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