Shida beibz and Pistal young fighting over one song


In a rare case scenario, a serious fight has erupted between two westnile Artists in pistal young and shida beibz over a song called (LETA) .


According to Pistal young who is currently in congo, He said shida beibz asked him to write for her a song which she was supposed to pay for, And after  she failed to pay him, he resorted to record the same song called “LETA”.

However, in a telephone interview with shida beibz, she said Pistal young is a big liar and called her words which we  can't disclose for security purposes.

Shida beibz told Tone Touch music that she recorded this song called LETA Way back in February before she went to Sudan for work, shida said she left the song with producer joshman perfection in the Malcolm records and came back from Sudan after 3 months to pick the song from the studio.

Currently shida beibz is working on the visuals of this particular song with Director Toniel Banks at PV studios.


Shida beibz however Said, Pistal young should stay warned and should stay away from her song"LETA" 

“You are from oluko and am from Terego, I will deal with you any other way you like, I can deal with you in Terregian way, if you want, drugg me to police” shida beibz stressed.

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