SAY- Project is Being Moved to Bridge Sexual Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violations in Northern Uganda


The SAY project (Strengthening Adolescent and Youth Empowerment and Rights Programme) consortium Project  is being launched in Adjumani, Moyo Yumbe and Lamo dististics  on 30/4/2024 and will be implemented by CARE International Uganda as a lead; MarieStopes Uganda and Nauru Teenage Information and Health Centre aims at not only increasing access to integrated SRHR and SGBV services, but also ensure impacting of knowledge and life skills that helps them achieve their full potential to thrive in their communities by making informed SRHR and SGBV choices and decisions. Through Comprehensive Sexuality Education Approach of peer to peer education, Provision of SRHR services and Improved livelihood services.

Pictorial during the event 

SAY- project is expected to tremendously improve young people’s lives if duty bearers in attendance (Ministry of Health; Adjumani, Obongi, Acholi and Lamwo District Local governments; Religious leaders; Cultural leaders; Youth Leaders) provide an enabling environment free from political interference, cultural and religious norms bias.
"SAY- Project is a testament to what could be achieved together with a shared vision and determination to make a difference in the young people’s lives, if all stakeholders here played their role" UNFPA Program Analyst applauded. 
She later emphasizes, "each of us is charged with duty of supervision, monitoring, implementation and joint evaluations and embrace integrated programming in their day to day activities"
Eng. Hilary Onek, the Minister for Health states,
"Restoration of traditional norms that instill values to a young generation for transformative change in our communities" 
He further said, basis was leaned on the advent moral degradation among the young people today.

Pictorial during the event 

However, Dr. Didi Bhoka (Mp.Obongi district and former DHO- Adjumani) in his address emphasized on creation of environment for young people
"Strengthening referral pathways so that young people can easily navigate to access reproductive health and GBV services. As one of SAY-PROJECT pre-launch activities Naguru Teenage and Information Centre conducted flash mobs- using a Comprehensive Sexuality Education approach of intergrated information  & dissemination of – peer to peer education ,projection of age appropriate edutainment SRHR & SGBV content that aim at ensuring school going and drop outs to make wise choice about their sexuality life and are well equipped with life skills such as good communication, critical thinking and decision making that help young people thrive in refugee and host communities of Adjumani, Obongi, Lamwo, and Acholi( Greater North sub-region).

Pictorial during the event 

Meanhile Naguru Teenage and Information Centre ensures dissemination and equipping of SRHR and SGBV information; Marie Stopes’ task in SAY- Project is to ensure access of SRHR services and commodities. In the same vein-CARE International Uganda as a lead consortium partner ensures that young peoples’ livelihood is improved through creating Income Generating Activities that help young people achieve their full potential holistically. Said Dr.Bhoka

Article by Emmanuel Celestine Oboi




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