Producer Artin Pro Praised By Artists Amidst Mean Daddy Andre Comments


Famous and accoladed Ugandan producer Artin Pro  was recently treated to mean comments by his male counterpart in the producing game, Daddy Andre. Andre while on an interview with Galaxy TV aired no kind words to the former, calling his work a mere piece of joke. He went ahead to say that Artin is more of a Dj rather than a producer, and what he does are not beats but mixtapes.

Daddy Andre

On the contrary ,nobody seems to be siding with Andre's hate speech. Most Ugandan artists particularly those who have accomplished projects with Artin have publicly rubbished Andre's comments,applauding Artin for his good works. Some even had to say that Andre has no art as he is always repeating same beats for various artists.No doubt the rejected stone has become the cornerstone. 

Musician Rickman Manrick has also brought forward an idea to host an event in honour of Artin,pledging 2.5 million in cash and additionally offering a free performance.

 Artin Pro must definitely be enjoying his bed of roses and smiling like a King as his battles are being fought even in his absence.

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