Earlier this year 2023 in April the paramount chief of Madi people His Royal highness Drani Stephen izakare was arrested by Uganda police force over allegations of torture and attempted murder which is in a connection to the recent incident that took place in aliwara village ngoro west area in itirikhwa sub county adjumani district and was released on police bond after recording a statement. 

On 25th April 2023 Adjumani Grade 1 magistrate Jude kamagan remanded the paramount chief to openzinzi government prison over charges of seven counts of attempted murder and three counts of assault but later his lawyer demanded for the release on bail of which he was granted a cash bail of Ugx 1Million with the sureties each bonded with 3million non cash. 

His worship Ronald kayizzi the presiding chief magistrate went a head and  instructed the cultural leader to deposit his passport and the  land title of his land in lopire village in court. 

On 23rd June 2023 the DDP dropped criminal charges against the paramount chief His Royal highness Drani Stephen izakare during the court session sitting in adjumani magistrate presided by Innocent omara. 

When tonetouch media contacted the paramount chief upon this incident during the press conference he thanked the almighty God, His lawyer and all people who stood behind him during this hard time that indeed justice has prevailed itself that today he's a free man. 

He argued the people of Madi to remain calm as they protect their land. 



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