Loveson Controlla jets in a hot Bootylicious Russian vixen for Intelligent girl Video.


Maliamungu Happy mostly known as Loveson Controlla is on an international level as he jets in a hot bootylicious Russian video vixen for his intelligent girl video shoot.

According to reliable sources, Controlla is said to have catered for the Russian babe's air ticket from Russia and back plus full-time accommodation in an undisclosed lavish hotel around town.

Loveson Controlla on set During the Intelligent girl video shoot. Dressed and designed by Atikins Fashion Arua

The  Intelligent girl video is still being shot and directed by Benchmark films and drone shots in some standardised locations in Northern Uganda. Meanwhile, Controlla is rumoured to have invested huge sums of money for this particular video, including hiring services of the best, stylish and standardised fashion house in town; Atikins Fashions, jetting in a stunning nyashful Russian vixen and lots more which he confirmed is about 20 million.

"This video is a real bombshell.  This is the first of its kind west Nile is ever gonna experience",  boasted Controlla


When asked why he had to jet in a video vixen from Russia, he replied,

"I failed to get an Intelligent bootylicious video vixen around"

A leaked clip of the video shoot that reveals the Russian chick whining her wasp-like waist and shaking her big booty like the ace of hearts to the thunderous vibration of the dancehall tune while dressed in a tight revealing dress might have made the director record the video cross-legged.


The video is set to be available for viewing on Loveson Controlla's YouTube channel 

on a date yet to be announced. Keep your ears to the ground!

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