Gospel Amour has successfully brought Derrick passy back to God


There is one bitter truth that has paralyzed a bigger section of westnilers, most especially the music and entertainment duellers.

According to the award winning gospel minister, a singer, songwriter signed under Team living Testimony, Gospel Armour.

What you didn't know before is that the westnile's whistle blower, blogger and music promoter Derrick passy only goes to church once on a Christmas day, Or during functions like weddings and funeral ceremonies. 

However, through God's grace and miracles, Gospel Armour successfully managed to convince Derrick passy and led him to church on the Sunday of 16th October.

There is always time for everything, as the Bible says, there is nothing impossible unto God, the devil is always a liar, thank God Derrick passy has finally come back to where he belongs “Gospel Armour” exclaimed.

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