A pastor dies in an attempt of 40 days fasting


Francisco Barajas an evangelist church pastor in Mozambique died while trying to copy Jesus Christ's 40 days of fasting in the wilderness without eating or drinking.

Just like an other believer in Christians faith, He believed that fasting is one of the ways on strengthening the faith and clearing the path to the everlasting life.

The body of pastor Francisco Barajas in the desert

Pastor Francisco Barajas died after 25 days out of 40 days of fasting in the wilderness.

According to the British broadcasting company (BBC), Pastor Francisco Barajas was taken to the hospital in the Mozambican capital after his conditions worsened before he breathed his last on Wednesday.

He severely lost weight and energy just after 25 days and nights of not eating or drinking in the wilderness as he was looking to shake hands with the paradise and lightning up his path to the journey behind the blues.

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