"Mike Legend Is An Embarrassment To The Music Industry " Benon Enze


Sometimes I really wonder how people who are living without smartphones are surviving.I mean,with all this fun and beef that goes on in social media some of us are even busy skipping meals coz we're glued to our phones following drama.

Now this time round it's the “Arua City” hit maker Benon Enze versus film maker Mike Legend,both children of the soil. Apparently, Benon Enze cashed Mike one hundred and fifty thousand shillings just to hold the camera during a video shoot since he edits his videos for himself. 

Things went amiss when upon reviewing the video,Benon Enze could not even compare it to the video quality of a “tok-tok” phone. This prompted him to take to social media hurling insults to the one we thought was already a gem in the filming scene. Benon called Mike an embarassment  to the industry saying that his video can't even cross the Vurra border.As if that was not enough , Benon further advised Mike Legend to quit videography and perhaps try something else because even an iPhone shoots better than his poor quality cameras.

Tonetouch news desk has not yet established whether Mike Legend has landed on the nerve chilling message or not,but one sure fact is that this seems to be leading to an everlasting beef.

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