
\"Please Queen Gee, stop taking my innocent unborn baby to witch doctors\"


After like two weeks of allegations about Queen Gee's pregnancy, finally someone has come out to declare himself the father of the unborn baby. Jeybee Pop Auden, who currently works with Eshabela comedy group, has come out this morning asking Queen Gee to stop taking her unborn baby to witch doctors. He said if atall whatever is circulating on media is true, he is so worried because he doesn't trust that witch doctor at Ereboa forest. Well, we all know what has been circulating here on media, though Derrick Passy has promised to go live on Access fm this afternoon to give us more evidence and answer more of the questions we have. Well, we are currently looking forward to contact Queen Gee and get the other side of her story, whether Auden is the father or somebody else. 😎

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